
The history tab displays a table of the changes that have been made to the product, such as adding, modifying, or deleting data. The table has seven columns:

  • Date: The date and time when the change occurred.

  • Resource: The name of the data entity that was affected by the change.

  • Identifier: A unique identifier of the data entity.

  • Author: The name of the user who performed the change, or the system if the change was automated.

  • Source: The location or the method from which the change was initiated.

  • Event: The type of change.

  • Message: A brief description of the change, such as the new or old value of a field, the destination of a move, etc.

The history tab allows the user to view the history of the application, filter the table by different criteria, and sort the table by different columns, helps the user track the changes, monitor the activity, and troubleshoot the issues in the application.

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