
This is a place where you can set values for your products, create an AI product description based on attributes of your choice, use the AI translation feature, and create two-way product relations.

AI description and AI translation are available to users with Start+ plans and above.

At the top left corner, there is an [1] Edit language drop down menu, use it to switch between languages to fill in values in your attribute per language.

Information on how to add a new language to the list can be found here.

At the left top corner, you can find [2] Edit template button, [3] the Completion index, and [4] the Missing translation indicator, and [5] the workflow status switch.

[2] Edit template button - takes you straight to the template editor feature.

[3] The Completion index shows how many of the attributes in that template are set as required and are filled in with values.

[4] Missing translation indicates that there are some untranslated attribute values in the product.

[5] The workflow status switch allows you to change the workflow status of a product if workflow status changing conditions are met.

AI Description

This feature allows for automatic content creation based on selected attribute values. To use it click on the kabab menu on the textarea type attribute and choose Auto-generated content.

This will allow you to select attributes you wish to base your description on. The more attributes you select the better the description will be. Click on Generate content to proceed or "x" to abort.

Wait for a while and when done, the content will be automatically pasted into the attribute value.

AI translation

This feature allows for automatic content translation, this option can be used for any text or textarea type attribute.

To start translating click on the kebab menu on an attribute of your choice select Translate from, and then select the language you wish to be a source for this translation.

For this to work, there needs to be something to translate from. For example, if you wish to translate English product descriptions to Polish, English one must already be created and saved.

Now wait for a moment and the translated value will be automatically put into the attribute.

Remember to save the changes when you are done.

Attribute variables in the product template

Attribute variables can be used only with specific attribute types, you can read more about this here.

To use the variables click on the supported attribute in the product template and type hash char (#). The list of available variables will be displayed.

You can use more than one variable.

When a variable is used, a new eye icon will be displayed. If clicked, a preview will be seen.

Variables are language independent, which means that the same variable can have different values depending on the language selected (if the local type attribute is used)

There are 4 items on the gallery type attribute

Clicking on the image will open it in the full screen mode.

[1] Information on how many images are in the gallery.

[2] Name of the file.

[3] Context menu.


Add image

Add new image to the gallery

Manages items

Change order of images in the gallery

Download this image

Download this image

File information

Opens new windows with file details

Go to image

Open displayed image in Resources > Media

Detach image

Remove an image from the gallery (not from Resources)

Detach all

Remove all images from the gallery (not from Resources)

[4] Arrows to display previous/next image

Product relation attribute

You can choose to create a two-way relationship with the product instead of a traditional one-way relationship. To do so, click on + Add relations button.

Then toggle Create a two-way relation switch, to the currently edited product to be added as a relation to a selected product.

Textarea with RTE-enabled attribute

RTE-enabled textarea type attribute is a type of attribute that allows you to enter rich text content with various formatting options. You can use the RTE editor to create and edit your content in the Product catalog. You may also use variables.

To use the RTE editor, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the plus icon that appears in the upper left corner of the attribute field when you click on it in the Product catalog. This will open the RTE editor.

  2. Choose an option from the toolbar to insert a block of content. You have eight options: Text, Heading, List, Image, Video, Delimiter, Table, and Quote. Each option has a different function and appearance:

    • Text: This option inserts a text block where you can type plain text. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+B to make the text bold, Ctrl+I to make the text italic, Ctrl+U to make the text underlined, or Ctrl+K to convert text to a link. Underlining and strikethrough are also supported.

    • Heading: This option inserts a heading block where you can type a title or a subtitle. You can choose the size of the heading from H1 to H6 by clicking on the “Click to tune” icon (six dots) next to the block. H1 is the largest and H6 is the smallest.

    • List: This option inserts a list block where you can type a list of items. By default, the list is ordered with numbers, but you can change it to unordered with bullets by clicking on the “Click to tune” icon next to the block.

    • Image: This option inserts an image block where you can display an image from the internet. You need to enter the image URL in the window that appears. The image URL must be an absolute link, which means it starts with http:// or https:// and includes the full path to the image file. For example, https://example.com/images/image.jpg is an absolute link, but /images/image.jpg is not.

    • Video: This option inserts a video block where you can embed a video from YouTube or Vimeo. You need to enter the video link in the “Source” field in the window that appears. The video link must be a valid link from YouTube or Vimeo, such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=example or https://vimeo.com/example. You can also enter the width and height of the video in pixels in the “Width” and “Height” fields, and toggle the “Constrain proportions” switch to keep the aspect ratio of the video. Click on the “Add video” button to insert the video, or the “Cancel” button to close the window. You can also resize the video by clicking on the “Click to tune” icon next to the block.

    • Delimiter: This option inserts a delimiter block, which is a thin horizontal line that separates different sections of content. You can use it to create a visual break in your text.

    • Table: This option inserts a table block where you can display data in rows and columns. You can edit the table by clicking on the four dots menu next to each row or column. The menu has options to add or delete rows or columns, such as “Add row above”, “Add row below”, “Delete row”, “Add column to left”, “Add column to right”, and “Delete column”.

    • Quote: This option inserts a quote block where you can type a quotation or a citation. You can also align the quote by clicking on the “Click to tune” icon next to the block.

  3. To add more blocks of content, click on the plus icon that appears between the blocks. You can also reorder the blocks by dragging and dropping them using the handle (six dots) on the left side of each block.

  4. To expand the attribute field, click on the double-arrow icon on the right side of the toolbar. This will make the field fill the whole screen. To go back to the original size, click on the same icon again.

  5. To save your content, click on the “Save changes” button on the right side of the screen. To discard your changes, simply move somewhere else in the system or refresh the site.

You can use the RTE-enabled textarea type attribute to create rich and engaging content for your products. You can also edit your content at any time by going back to the Product catalog and clicking on the attribute field.

Last updated