Create a new collection

To create a new collection click on + NEW COLLECTION from the upper right corner.

Collections are static, which means after you create them, they will not change unless you will change them by yourself.

There are two fields to fill in. Collection code (system name) which is self-explanatory, and type.

There are three options to choose from Up-sell, Cross-sell, and Other. The first two may act as suggestions for products that may work well together with what a customer is browsing or while purchasing a given item. Both may also be featured on a product page, however, up-sell should not be displayed during the checkout phase, while cross-sells might. The third "Other" is basically everything else.

Once created, the collection type cannot be changed.

Click CREATE to save or CREATE & EDIT to save and open in edit mode. In that mode, three tabs are available: General, Translations, and Products.

Last updated